Release Date: 2022.12.15
Eth: 0.008
Items: 3000
We invite you to Mint this project and share it with your friends. Let’s get even with them. It’s time to face their music.
Our first NFT project is to reveal their foul deeds to the public. If you agree with our action, feel free to vent your anger and insecurity on our official Twitter. Your participation gives you a chance to become our Honorable member and a key to the next step of this project.
The funds of this project will be fully invested into inspecting and retaliating dirty blockchain companies and their investors. Participate in this holy crusade and reclaim our rights.
The goal of our first stage mission is to spread NFT with these criminal’s face through the power of blockchain and share them with more users! Let’s expose these motherfuckers.
Our roadmap
Launching NFT items of XTF. We invite you to share your stories or losses with us on Twitter.
This marks the day of our holy crusade.A fund raising for XTF: Requiem kick-starts on 2022.12.25.
Upon raising 200 Eth, the fund will be used in the production of XTF: Requiem music video and other art installations after ducting reasonable costs. These productions will start within 3 months.
Note: (time is subject to change)
Related media projects and videos will be shared on worldwide social networks. Meanwhile, the actual art piece will be delivered straight to the U.S. council.
Note: (time is subject to change)
The third phase of our project will be delivered shortly. XTF invites you to join us as a crusader that watches over the Blockchain community.
Note: (time is subject to change)
XTF: Project Requiem
Since FTX caused various damage to their investors, while SBF raising havoc in the market, victims after victims were left stranded.
XTF have invited artists to chart down the faces of these villains, and now our next step lies in each and every one of your helping hands. Aside from purchasing our NFT, you can also support us in the following ways:
One of the best ways to support us is by sharing your survivor’s story anonymously on XTF’s Twitter account. Tell us the amount these scumbags stolen from you and words you would like these dickheads to see.
Support us with Ether or NFT purchase at any amount by your choice. When we reach over 200 Eth in total, the following content will be created. Deducting the cost of making these content, the rest will be put into future projects related to our little Blockchain riot.
We will be inviting artists and composers to create the XTF: Requiem music video. The content of this video will be focusing on the chaotic scenarios in Blockchain community, and it will be uploaded to major social platforms once it’s done. The name of our partners and comrades will be featured at the end of this video as a thank you for standing with us.
With the stories and data provided by our victims, we will invite artists to create a huge monument. Names of our friends will be engraved into the monument, and this meaningful memorial will be delivered to the U.S. council.
It’s a reminder to the world how each and everyone of us should pay more attention to the safety and importance of the Blockchain community.
Let the world remember these disgusting faces and their names.
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